Saturday, November 7, 2015

Kansas City — Songs, Rambles, and Such

So I found a new(ish) song...

and I absolutely love it.

I am not from Kansas City, nor have I ever been. If I had to describe my taste in music I'd tell you Fall Out Boy with a bit of Halestorm and occasionally the Mowgli's and other bands on my playlist that runs on my asthetic tumblr blog, soulful acoustics wouldn't top my list, however there's something, some sort of melancholy, some sort of loveliness that has me obsessed with this song. Since I haven't posted since August 21 (on Septmeer 12 I tried to publish something — a personal update — but my internet connection failed me...), I thought I'd share. Hopefully everything's going lovely for you, how was your autumn/end of summer/Halloween (if you celebrate)/Election Day (if you're in the states John Oliver on Last Week Tonight mentioned)?


P.S. Try inserting a video on blogger's mobile website when your iPhone screen is like three and a half inches or four by two inches or whatever the 4s' demensioms are.

Friday, August 21, 2015

Hi + Babbles + BoBs

I haven't done the blog thing is like a month. Apparently my August has been crazy busy. I apologize for that, but, you know, real life and all that lovely jazz. None of it actually concerns jazz, though. I'm not a musical person. If this was on With Love, it'd be a #sleeplessrambles, but it isn't, so it's not. These posts are probably clutter, though I just wanted to let you know that I still exist and I'm not writing or playing the sims but Jesus do I want to. Kinda. I dunno. Perhaps. It's late. Ish. Late-ish and hot and humid, which in not a lovely combination. There's also bugs, which I despise and hope freeze and go far away from me once it's autumn. I just got a story idea, a festival BoB... Hm... Do any of you have BoB suggestions? If so, leave them in the comments, I'll write them ASAP. Maybe they'll motivate me to write some more. 


Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Hello, blog viewer peoples! *waves spastically* If you’re not a European Union reader, you can promptly ignore this update-y post and go back to your browsing of this website. If you are a European Union reader, well, ‘ello there mate, er, um… Blimey? Bloody hell, isn’t it annoying when people, who know very little about the EU and Britain attempt to use British slang because they’re presuming that Britain’s part of the European Union? Was that annoying? If so, I apologize and you can have a cookie. No, really, have a cookie.

I baked lemon ricotta cookies. Not specifically for the purpose of making an awesome play on words, mind you, though I am willing to share.
If you aren’t or annoyed or if you’re not an EU reader who decided to read this post despite me telling you that you could ignore this post you can have a cookie as well.
If you’re an EU this may be the second time that cookies have been mentioned on this blog, since you may have seen this lovely header adorning the top of my blog:

If you didn’t, well, er, uh, I’m not a super tech-y person, the most advance thing I can do is some basic HTML code modification, however, I am an anxious person and since, according to Google, you’re supposed to be seeing it, you not seeing it worries me slightly, in a “they-might-shut-down-my-blog-if-you-don’t-know-that-blogger-uses-cookies” way.  This is the notification that I received:

Overall, there are three things you need to know:
  1. I bake amazing cookies
  2. This blog uses cookies
  3. I accidentally typed three instead of two and I didn’t feel like hitting the backspace