Tuesday, May 20, 2014

8.2 Part One: Applications

  "Hello?" I asked, standing at the check in and guest relations desk, in the front lobby of the La Costa Verde resort.
   "What do you want?" A man in a silly beret snapped, clearly tired already with his job, even though it was only eleven am. Apparently, while this place was known for the Spanish inspired architecture and unique classes and lessons, was not a place that hired good customer service.
   "I was wondering if you offered scuba lessons?"
   "We do indeed."
   "Great! Where can I sign up?"
   "Okay, is there a form or is it verbal?"
   "May I have the form, please?" I asked, becoming frustrated. I wanted to take scuba lessons, I had announced that to him, why could he not hand me the form already instead of giving my pointless one word answers?
   "Why not?"
    "We need to see valid identification and credit card or payment method first."
    "How much is it?"
    "Five hundred."
    "For how many lessons?" My bank account was lacking in funds; five hundred would be a risky investment, but I could live without it if it meant finding my mermaid dreams.
    "Per lesson. You see sir, we have some of the best teachers on the Virgin Islands and, in order to keep them from straying to a better resort, we pay them quite nicely. This mean that the students has to pay quite nicely for lessons."
    "I guess if they're the best... how many lessons would it take to be proficient enough at diving?"
    "Biweekly classes for three months."
    "That's eight classes a month... that's twenty-four classes for..." I began doing the multiplication in my head. Twenty-four thousand times a thousand dollars was twenty-four thousand dollars, so time five hundred would be have of that, equaling twelve thousand dollars. "I can't afford that!"
    "What is your career?"
    "I'm unemployed, sir."
    "Ha! Obviously the luxurious options available here are not for bums."
    "I'm not a bum, I'm trying to find work. Could I maybe be hired here? I could fold towels or something."
     "No. We do not need you. Try City Hall, they always hire useless people like you. I here maybe you could even become a lifeguard; swimming would be good practice for diving."
     "I'll try there next, thank you." I said, trying to be polite even though he just insulted me. I was not going to be spending my money here any time soon.
   I quickly exited the lobby and hailed a cab to City Hall. I was determined to find the mermaid I'd seen a month or two ago. After I'd discovered the truth that may be hidden by the myths, I did more research on the best way to search the oceans, without drawing attention to yourself. My search landed me on a website about scuba diving and the only place lessons were available at here; La Costa Verde had a monopoly.
   "Thank you." I said to the cabbie, quickly handing him a ten before I stepped out of the cab. I suppose I could stop taking cabs to save money, but in truth the island was too big to walk everywhere. Bikes where a big cost at the beginning that could pay off, but considering how much I wanted lessons, I wasn't going to spend much on a bike right now.
   I began prancing up the stairs, to my hopefully future place of employment. As I climbed I glanced down, suddenly regretting my comfortable flip flops, breathable cotton t-shirt, and handy cargo shorts. I did look like a beach bum, even if I wasn't one. Hopefully my attire wouldn't leave too large of an impression upon everyone.
   "Hello, welcome to City Hall." A smiling receptionist said to me, as soon as I opened the front door.
   "Hi. Are there any job openings available?"
   "Of course. Are you a high school student?"
   "No, I'm a legal adult."
   "Excellent! But I do suppose that means you can't apply for out internship that's open to politically intrigued juniors and seniors. Any who, a handsome fellow like you is sure to nab a job here. Why don't you take an application to be a lifeguard; you look like someone who loves to workout and spend days in the sun, sweating, muscles bulging through the thin fabric of your shirt. Oh, sorry, hon! I do that sometimes, hopefully you don't mind. City Hall supplies every public beach with one and lately we've been acquiring so much property, we've needed more. Here's the application."
   "Thank you." I flashed her a white, toothy smile as she blushed. I didn't know if she had any power within the system, but maybe she could help me out; this awkward her turning herself on by describing me experience had to count for something.
   The application process was a breeze. Name? Easy, Harbor Cohen Janes. Current address? Not available, I live on a houseboat. I do have a cell phone, my number's 340-000-0000 . Wanna contact me some other way? Here's how I'm best reached. I do not have a criminal record, I can swim, I am physically active, I do have good health, I did graduate high school, I am a legal citizen.
   "Here you go, ma'am."
   "Thank you, Harbor. I'll give this to my boss and see what happens. We'll call you within a week if you make it to have an in person interview, then a physical fitness test."
    "Alright." I gave her another smile and with that, I was off to the gym. I was one step closer to having a job that would earn my money that I could spend on scuba lessons that I could use to go diving and then maybe see the mermaid I spotted weeks ago; might as well exercise to stay fit for all of it.


  1. Haha, that application you included was pretty cool. Hope Harbor gets the job! He's really curious about that mermaid, isn't he? LOL.

    1. Thanks, it was a little different and gave more insight into who Harbor was, so I though why not. :) He is curious about the mermaid, it was the first "supernatural" creature he has ever seen and now he is determined to meet her and learn more.
