Wednesday, July 29, 2015


Hello, blog viewer peoples! *waves spastically* If you’re not a European Union reader, you can promptly ignore this update-y post and go back to your browsing of this website. If you are a European Union reader, well, ‘ello there mate, er, um… Blimey? Bloody hell, isn’t it annoying when people, who know very little about the EU and Britain attempt to use British slang because they’re presuming that Britain’s part of the European Union? Was that annoying? If so, I apologize and you can have a cookie. No, really, have a cookie.

I baked lemon ricotta cookies. Not specifically for the purpose of making an awesome play on words, mind you, though I am willing to share.
If you aren’t or annoyed or if you’re not an EU reader who decided to read this post despite me telling you that you could ignore this post you can have a cookie as well.
If you’re an EU this may be the second time that cookies have been mentioned on this blog, since you may have seen this lovely header adorning the top of my blog:

If you didn’t, well, er, uh, I’m not a super tech-y person, the most advance thing I can do is some basic HTML code modification, however, I am an anxious person and since, according to Google, you’re supposed to be seeing it, you not seeing it worries me slightly, in a “they-might-shut-down-my-blog-if-you-don’t-know-that-blogger-uses-cookies” way.  This is the notification that I received:

Overall, there are three things you need to know:
  1. I bake amazing cookies
  2. This blog uses cookies
  3. I accidentally typed three instead of two and I didn’t feel like hitting the backspace