Sunday, April 21, 2013

1.10: The Girlfriend

  I can hardly believe it. Alex is turning seventeen soon. I'm almost thirty-six.Where has my life gone? Almost twenty years in Bridgeport and I'm still single. What am I doing wrong with my life? Marry an idiot? Check. Have three kids? check. Divorce so called idiot? Check. It isn't like there's a bestsellers entitled: How to Fall in Love: A Book for the Desperate (Seriously, You Have to be Desperate! You Bought this Book.)If there was, I'd be happily married by now.But there isn't.
     He's been painting a lot lately. Roses, kittens, hearts; gushy romantic paintings. Of course, I know why. My little baby has a girlfriend! I remember when he told me. Of course, that day was only yesterday...the day was special for me, too.

Two Days Ago
  I sighed as I walked into the diner. I'd have to go through another day in my waitress dress that was only enough fabric to cover the bare necessities and showed off  a large portion of my chest with the deep V neck cut. I assume that's how the diner sells food; with sexual appeal. The food is only average, the service average, everything average. Except the waitresses. That's where the money is.
    I stomped inside, surveying the customer scene. Johnny was sipping coffee in a back booth. Lovely. I hate this job. I honest to goodness hate it for so many reasons. Why did Johnny have to come here and give me another one?
   "Alyce!" The owner smiled. "Guess what?"
   "What." I sighed.
   "I've sold the place!This one lady wanted a nice family friendly diner." Did that mean the dresses would be exchanged for something decent?
    "You're fired."
    "The new owner says they want this place family friendly. Girls sticking their chests into the guys faces isn't exactly family friendly."
     "Change the outfits, then!"
     "Sorry, no can do." The man winked. "But you know...."
     "I'm not hooking up with you!"
     "Yes! I'm a mother! If I wanted to do it for money, I'd be a prostitute; a stripper! Not a waitress!"
     "The new owner is remodeling the place, so you be completly out of a job."
     "How am I suppose to pay the bills?"
    "Don't ask me. I offered you-"
    "Never mind!"
    "Way to go Alyce! Guess your commitment issues are happy know." Johnny called out.
     "Go to hel-"
     "Actually, I'm moving. T-"To I stormed out of the restaurant and plopped myself down to cry. Everyone had seen what had happened. Everyone. Even Johnny. 
     "Hey, are you okay?" A man asked, smiling.
     "No. I lost my job, my ex-husband is a jerk, I have three kids to feed, and my boss, ex-boss, wants me to do it with him for cash!"
    "Huh." He sat down and offered me a tissue.
    "Thanks." I sniffled.
    "I can help you get a job."
    "At the book store. It would only be part time, but it's the best I can do. One of my friends owes me a favor."
    "Thanks!" I threw my arms around him. He had muscles. He was cute, and kind. I felt attracted to him. Strongly attracted.
     "Let me make a call." A few minutes late, I had a job. "The hours are mostly nights and weekends, but it's better than nothing."
     "I owe you."
    "No you don't. I like helping people out."
   "Yeah, but I'm a stranger."
   "And? You're a single mother who just lost her job. And you're what, thirty?"
  "Thirty-five. You have your whole life ahead of you. I don't want you ruining it by taking up your boss's offer."
    "I wouldn't..." I couldn't say I wouldn't. I was a desperate mother and would do whatever I could to make life work for my children. "I still owe you."
    "How about this, I take you to my home, we have some drinks, you tell me what's wrong, I'll try to fix it.  Then we're even."
    "Well..." I smiled. It was ten o'clock, I had plenty of time before the children would  be home. "That isn't me doing anything, though."
    "You're going to sit through an entire martini with me. I think that's asking for a lot."
    "You don't seem bad, though."
   "Come on," he drove me to a large home.
   "Who's house is this?" I asked.
   "It's a mansion!"
   "I bought it after I moved to Bridgeport with my retirement money."
   "Retirement?How old are you?" I blushed after I realized what I'd asked.
   "Forty-one." He shrugged.
   "What was your job?"
   "I was an athlete for the Sunset Valley soccer team. I  hurt my back playing one night and had to retire."
    "Wow..." I whispered.
    "Let me get you those drinks I offered." He quickly mixed up a tray of four martinis and lead me over to the pool. "You can sit." He gestured to one of the two pool chairs.
     "Thanks." I sat down, taking the drink he handed me.
     "What happened?" He asked, sitting next to me.
     "I was a stupid nineteen year old," And the story of my life unraveled.
     "It'll be okay." He comforted me after I'd finished.
     "What brought you to Bridgeport?" I asked.
     "I was twenty-one. A star athlete. I made millions. When I turned thirty, I got married to a girl. She was a retired cheerleader. Six years ago, she died in a car crash. I couldn't focus on the game and ended up getting injured; I couldn't play any more. I donated most of my money to her favorite charity, bought a furnished house in Bridgeport from a family of five, and became a high shool math teacher and the soccer coach. That's all."
     "Do you have any children? Or did you remarry." Stupid, stupid me!  "You don't have to answer that! If it's to personal."
      "It's fine. My  deceased wife couldn't have children, so I never did. I always wanted some, though....a little boy I could take to soccer games and watch him compete. Course, I'm old know so that'll never happen."
      "You could adopt or remarry."
      "I wouldn't want a poor child to have to live with my crazy schedule."
     "You know, most ladies in their mid thirties can have kids. You're only talking three of four years younger than you. Not much."  What was I implying?
     "Alyce, I like you. You're honest and quite frank. I've dated in the past, but I can't find a connection. You know?"
     "Kinda." I sighed. "It's two o'clock!" I gasped. "I have to get home. The kids!"
     "I'll drive you."
     ""Okay." I liked this man a lot. He was nice and honest. He didn't hide his past. "Thanks for driving me." I said, after he had pulled up in front of my house. I leaned forwards and kissed his cheek.
     "Alyyyce. Your top!"
     "Ohmi-!" My V neck had aided me in accidentally flashing my entire chest to him. Great. Suddenly, I was sober. I wasn't sure what to do. Awkwardly exit the car? That seemed like the best plan. "Thanks, er-I got to go."I climbed out and ran to the house. I probably ruined everything!

   Later, after I felt completely sober and safe to get behind the wheel, I thought Alex to drive.
    "Mom, I have something to tell you."  He nervously said.
    "What sweetie?"
    "I'm dating this girl from my grade...."
   "Congrats! Honey, that's great!"
   "You're not mad?"
   "Why would I be mad...oh....honey, is there more to this story? Is she pr-" Please don't make me a grandma. Please.
     "No! We haven't even kissed, much less, you know. It."
     "Thank goodness. What's her name?"
     "Evelyn Wilks."
     "That's a pretty name."
    "It is." He got a dreamy look on his.
    "When will I meet her?"
   "Uh, that's the new. We've been dating secretly for two years. I asked her to come over for dinner tomorrow."
   "Yeah, er, is that okay?"
    "Sure. I have to work so can we make it a late lunch or early dinner?"
    "Of course!" He exclaimed. "Uh, I was going to take her to the gardens afterwards. Is that okay?"
    "Honey, as long as you two aren't making me a grandmother, drinking, or doing drugs, I'm okay with whatever."
    "Thanks."  He looked excited. Meet the girlfriend. This was going to be interesting.
    "Honey, will her parents be okay with this?"
    "She lives with her mom, who gives her a ton of freedom. She hasn't really told  anything about her dad."
    "Oh." A girl from a broken home. I couldn't criticize, since my father had left and I'd left Johnny. "I won't embarrass you to much." I smiled.
    "Please don't! I like her...a lot."
   "I'd say. Two years is a long time for a teenager to date someone." He must really like this girl. I hope everything works out. I'm routing for young love.
Alex's Point of View (Saturday)

  My girlfriend. Evelyn. Meeting my mom! That was huge. I nervously thought as I drove to her apartment.  I climbed in the elevator and knocked on the door, waiting. 
    "Hey, Alex!" Evelyn greeted me. "I'm excited. You look so handsome. Is this formal?" She blushed, looking at her outfit.
      "No." I smiled. "Besides, you look beautiful in whatever you wear." 
      "You're so sweet." She looked at me, in a way I couldn't place. It was like admiration. Like the way two people who're in love look at each other.
     "Thanks." I pulled the roses out from behind my back. 
     "Roses?" She pulled me into a hug. "Thanks." She whispered in my ear. "You know, I'm planning my own little surprise later."
      "I can't wait." We walked down to the car together, holding hands.
      "Thank you."
      "For what?" I asked.
      "Being you. Being nice and romantic and sweet and honest and sexy. For everything."
      "I should thank you."
      "For what?" she mimicked me. 
      "For putting up with me. For dating me. For being smart and kind and gorgeous and hot."
      "You forgot sexy." She giggled.
      "Oh Evelyn." I parked the car in the driveway. We both climber out of my mother's car and went inside. For the next hour, I made small talk with my brother, sister, and mom. Evelyn was great with children.
       "Thank you for dinner, Ms. Janes. It was fabulous."
       "Thanks, Evelyn." My mom blushed. "It's just rotisserie chicken I  seasoned with some Italian herbs."
       "My mom doesn't cook much. I wish she did. I can only make macaroni and toast and salad and hot dogs!"
       "I'm sure you're a great cook. And please, call my Alyce."
       "Thanks, Alyce." 
       "Tiff, Jamie can you help me clean up?"
       "Sure!" Tiff smiled.
       "I guess." Jamie groaned.
      "Alex, Evelyn, you two go enjoy your date."
      "We will Ms. Ja-Alyce." We walked outside, and I hailed a cab. "Alex, that was great."
     "Really?" I asked, surpriesed.
     "Yeah, I have such a small family and my mom and I aren't close at all. I like the close knit large family thing."
       "That's good." I paid the cabbie. 
       "Look at the stars! They're so pretty!" Evelyn said. We sat on the ground, gazing the silver sky that was sprinkled with drops of shining light as the sweet scent of flowers wafted past our noses and butterflies flew around us.
      "Alex. I...I know this might be, know....but....I love you. A lot." She looked at me. "You don't have to say it.....if you don't, you know. If you do, er-"
     "Evelyn, I love you." I looked at her. The moment was perfect. I leaned forwards  and shyly kissed her. As our lips met, I felt fireworks. She was it. This was the girl. We pulled apart, reluctantly.
       "Fireworks...." She whispered. She kissed me again, ala French; we were making out in the moonlight.
     As I hailed a cab home after I'd seen her home, I felt a little disappointed that the night was over. I loved Evelyn a lot. What did that mean next? I felt confused, but happy. I was sixteen, in high school, legally I couldn't do anything but drive, but I knew I loved her. I loved in a teenager way. Not in a, think about the future way. Just a we're together, this may not go any where, but we both like each other, so lets start on that.  
     People say all sorts of things about kids in love. That it isn't real. Most kids aren't serious about dating though, one week equals one decade in teenage time. I've heard kids say "I can be in love! Romeo and Juliet where like thirteen!" That's a horrible excuse. It's more of a "I'll do it as an act of defiance" thing then anything. Those kids must have forgot that those kids died when they were thirteen. And that it was written  a good two centuries ago. And that it was written, not real. It was just a story. You can't compare love to a story, because love is different for everyone. I'm glad I'm smart enough to figure that out. It makes everything easier for the future. Because Evelyn and I are together, it may not go any where, but we both like each other, so lets start on that.  Maybe this is it, maybe it's a silly high school crush. You'll never know if you don't keep an open mind.


  1. Awww, I love Alex's level headed mind about love. He's so smart to know that love is different for everyone. :) I like his way of saying I'm going to try this and we'll see where it goes. So laid back and no pressure, love it. I like that Alyce met that guy with a mansion, and that he was so nice to her. It's too bad she got fired.

    1. Thanks :) I thought Alex didn't seem like the person who would be head over heels; he's logically, so I wrote my realistic opinion of teenage love. Alyce being fired played a huge role in her meeting the man. We'll defiantly be seeing more of him later ;)

  2. Great last paragraph!!

  3. I also enjoyed his view point. He's a smart kid who will go far with that type of mind set.

    As for her getting fired, stupid owner. For a millisecond, I actually considered that Johnny was the new owner since he was there. However, I guess that's not the case. One more chapter for lunch break.

    1. I'm glad, I like experimenting with different character's perspectives when I write. :)

      Indeed, the owner is stupid, though it isn't Johnny.
      And thank you so much for reading this legacy on your lunch break; I appreciate the comments to, it means so much to me that you're njoying what I wrote. :)

  4. You can get married in the U.S. When ur 16

    1. Most states require parental consent if you're under the age of eighteen, some, like Georgia and Missouri allow marriage at the age of fifteen with parental consent, most states, like Kentucky and Nevada, allow marriage at the age of sixteen with parental consent, others, like Washington and Oregon, allow marriage at the age of seventeen with consent, and then some do not allow marriage at all if you're under the age of eighteen, like California. Of course, there are exceptions, some states will allow under aged couples to wed if the bride is pregnant or if they deem it necessary or in the couple's best interest. :)

      Thank you for reading The Janes Legacy
