Wednesday, January 22, 2014

6.6 Part Two: Bad, Bad Girl

WARNING: Content is suggestive, as always read with caution.
  "Hey, Booker." I batted my eyelashes at him, trying to flirt. My flirting skills were, unfortunately for my boyfriend, not that great considering that I never got a chance to use them in high school.
   "Hey, Kayleigh." He siled at my strangly. "Are you alright? Is there something in your eye?"
    "Dammit." My attempt at being a teeny bit sexy failed miserably. "No," I sighed, "Do you want to dance?"
    "Dance? Sure?"
    "Great!" I flipped on the stereo that was in his bedroom and pulled him further into his bedroom. He placed one firmly on my waste and I place done on is shoulder. We began swaying back and forth to the music, taking steps left, then right, back, forward. I wasn't sure what dance we were doing but he seemed to have an idea. "How was work?" I asked, feeling a sense of déjà vu. Hadn't we had this talk yesterday when he came home and we almost...did it? I took a deep breath and stared into his shimmering eyes. He was the most handsome man.
    "It was good... I missed you, though."
    "I don't understand why you won't let me swing by for lunch. I'm bored to death stuck here without my daycare. I still have to wait a few months before I can open."
     "I know, I know..."
      "Don't you want people to see me? Are you ashamed of me?" I self consciously glanced down at myself. I was wearing a cute summer dress and black heels. Tad classy, defiantly cute.
      "No, of course not!" He smiled, pulling me closer to his chest. I could feel his abs through the thin material of my dress. They were hard... he was strong. I felt myself wanting to feel the rest of him... see if he was that strong everywhere else. He planted a kiss on top of my head and whispered into my ear, "Sweetie... I'll tell everyone after elections. Six more months, okay?"
     "Booker." I whined. "I love you and you love me, shouldn't the public be okay with it? Besides, it isn't like anything, ya know, illegal or anything's going on."
     "My competition would lie about us. I just want to make sure you aren't hurt. Kayleigh, if they say that I was hooking up with a minor- it's terrible to begin with- I'd be shamed. I'd never get elected for anything, you may never get clients, and I don't want to tarnish your family name. You're too important to me."
     "Really?" I leaned my head against his shoulder. I heard his phone calls. I saw his campaign buddies coming over for drinks, even if I had to hide upstairs. I knew how much the mayor position mattered to him. I knew he would kill for it.
    "You know that." Did I? He seemed to want to hide me away. My family couldn't come over here, because it might be suspicious, I couldn't go near City Hall, everything seemed so... I know he loved me. I know I love him. He just seemed too protective of me. I couldn't leave the house if it was when he was home, because we might be seen together. I had to sneak out while he was at work. Of course, he never came out and said these things, but I picked up the clues. He'd never say something like that to me.
    "I just want to stay here forever." I whispered into the air. Here, in this moment. No voices, soft music, and stars shining at us through the windows. Booker holding me tight to him as we swayed in time with the songs.
     "I do, too. So peaceful."
     I pulled away from him, so I could look at his face. "Just me and you and nobody else."
     "Just me and- OW!"
     "Ow?" I looked at him, his pain etching itself across his lovely face. I looked at my feet, embarrassed. My left five inch heel was planted firmly on his foot. "I'm so sorry!" I jolted back, as he held onto his foot. "Let me help you to the bed." I took his arm as he leaned on me for support. "I'm sorry, Booker." I could feel my face heating up.
     "No problem." He said, his face still in a grimace.
     "Let me go... here, you rest. I'll just-" I scurried out of the bedroom to the bathroom across the hall. Dammit. This ruined the plan. We danced then, I gave him a little gift. The gift that would show him that I completely trusted him, no matter what. The gift that showed that I didn't care if we had to hide our relationship, because we were together and together meant we were dynamite.
     I stared at myself in the mirror, not believing I was about to do this. Yesterday night I was talking about how scared of the pain I was, tonight I was ready. I thought about holding off, but... I want to eventually. Why not tonight? Maybe some fancy trip to the beach, Hawaii or the Bahamas, would be better? No... this was what I would do. I'd give it away, give it to him, tonight. No more waiting. I couldn't wait. I wanted to feel his bare muscles against me as the passion filled the room.
    First my necklace came off. I sat it on the side of the sink, so it wouldn't accidentally break. I liked the necklace. Connie sent it to me. Some New York designer gave it to her and she thought I would like it better. It was sweet of her.  I tried squirming out of the dress, wishing I hadn't picked something with a zipper. I heard a ripping sound, as the dress fell open. I stepped out of it, stuffing it in the trashcan. It was ruined. I pulled my stockings up, wishing that I could think of a better word for them. Stockings? That sounded horrible. Not at all romantic or sexy. Like it was a granny thing from the forties. It probably was.
   I stared into the mirror, adjusting my makeup., I was always horrible at the smoky eye thing. I slapped some mascara on and hoped that my dark makeup didn't leave me looking like either someone who Booker was paying for to have intercourse with or goth. I was ready. This was happening. It was weird, to me, that I had prepared so much for one night. One time. I took a deep breath and exited the bathroom.
   "I've been a bad, bad girl." I said, as I sauntered into Booker's room.
   "Kayleigh? What are you?"
   "I told you." I seductively smiled, leaning forwards so my chest was a few inches from his face. I could tell he wanted to rip the lace off of me, but he wouldn't have to chance to just yet."I'm a bad girl." I began kissing his neck as I edged myself onto the bed. I hope this was sexy and not creepy. "How do you punish bad, bad girls Booker? I know you're a man, show me. Take control." I sat on top of him, with one left on either side of him. I began slowly pulling at the buttons of his shirt, until I could see his bare chest. I pulled the shirt off him, as he laid there startled. "Come on." I pouted. "You're not going to let me stay like this?" I leaned down and did something with my tongue I never imagined doing. "I'm stuck here in all these clothes... stuck being a bad girl torturing you. Won't you punish me?" I kept edging him on, doing more things to him, knowing he would eventually do what I wanted.
   "Dear Lord!" He shouted out as I began unzipping his pants. "Kayleigh."
   "You won't punish the bad girl, so she'll keep being bad. And there's only so much I can do with you shirtless. I want to see everything Booker."
   "Really?" He raised an eyebrow. "Well," Before I could blink he was on top of me.
   "Oh, yeah. Come on, take control." I could feel him. I know he wanted this as badly as I wanted him. "The drawer." I whispered. I heard him rummaging around, as he found the handcuffs  I placed there earlier.
   Words couldn't describe what happened next. Booker was an animal, starved. He needed this as much as I wanted it. He was strong. Defiantly worth waiting for. When we were done, I felt my heart pumping. I hadn't expected everything. Especially not the... not the thing at the end. I had tortured him and he had punished me for being a bad girl. It was so sexy. His muscles. I curled up next to him, as I fell into a deep slumber. I felt him playing with my hair and whispering something to me, but I couldn't tell what. I just knew that I was with him and he was with me and we had formed an unbreakable bond together.

   I woke up alone. I shouldn't be surprised, Booker was normally gone, off  to work, when I woke up. I just expected something different, I suppose. Maybe him there to kiss me goodbye. I glanced at the alarm clock. It was ten o'clock already! I must have been more tired then I expected... last night must have worn me out. I glanced around, just to make that there wasn't a not or something. I don't know why there should be. It was the first for me, but just another time for Booker. I sighed, feeling a little queasy.
    "That's odd." I muttered. I hadn't ate since lunch yesterday, since I was too nervous for dinner. I was probably hungry. My stomach had an odd reaction, but it wasn't bad. Was it?
    I stood up, slipping back on my underwear. I wasn't comfortable walking from my room were I had my clothes from Booker's bare. I felt a jolt in my stomach. This was painful. What meds did Booker have? Would I need to visit the doctor?
   "No." I said to myself. I was overreacting. I clearly needed to just eat breakfast and clam myself down. I was scared Booker thought I was crazy after last night and would run away and breakup with me and date a girl his age and hey would get married and I would be left alone, having to do back and live with my parents and never get to have a daycare or take care of gorgeous little kids and then I might be shunned by the community for bumming off my parents and I was clearly going insane over this. "See, you need to relax." Why was I talking to myself? Hearing the words aloud did comfort me a bit. I turned the lamp off and began walking to my bedroom. I wonder if Booker and I would share a bed now.
   Oh no! I felt a lurch in my stomach. I ran to the bathroom and thrust myself down on the floor. I felt horrible as I leaned against the commode. Was this normal? I couldn't think of any reason why I would be feeling ill. I felt fine with Booker last night. clutched my stomach as another round came. Hopefully it was just a twenty-four hour thing and Booker wouldn't be sick, too.Whatever was wrong, I'd figure it out soon enough.


  1. Uh oh... little one on the way? I wonder how Booker is going to react since he's still not comfortable letting the public know about her yet... :)

    1. There will defiantly be some drama going on because Booker's too involved with his campaign and is worried about Kayleigh's age. =)
