Sunday, February 2, 2014

6.9: A Year and A Half

Hazel's POV...

   Me year half old. Mommy watches babies. They come home. I play with toys and them. Me sitting
in playpen. Mama tickle girl who been crying cause she want her mama and dada. Marco playing with toy. Bulldoza. Bull-do-zer. Mama says word is pieces. Bull-do-zer. Me talking some.
  Me stay with mama during the day, dada go bye bye to workie. He come back at end of day. Marco and me plays. Me like Marco. He nice. We play fun with each other.
   Mama take care of Cattie. She don't like me call her Cattie, cause she say Cat her name even if that an animal. Mama play with us everyday. Me, Marco, Cattie. It fun. Very fun. She teachie me to walkie, just like she teach Cattie now. Mama muttered something bout Cattie being daughta of Grace. Me don't know about Grace, but Mama scared she mess up with Cattie and Grace mad. Mama said Grace in Africa or somethin and Cattie being watched by milk man when she not seeing Cattie. Then she say Grace a horse or horror or horn or something that sounds like it begins with H.
  Hehe. Haha. Marco spit up on self. He funny. He eat applesauce. He funny, me likes him. Mommy have to give him bath. She gimme a bath, too. Only not in front of people. I like spending day with Marco. Me friends. Mama laughs and smiles when she watches us. She don't with daddy. That okay, cause me laughs, giggles, smile for her.
   Marco done with bath. Cat sitting in toy box, playing with doll. Me in playpen. Marco pointing to me and playpen. I play with mirror on side. It fun game. Marco funner, though.
   "You want in playpen?" Mommy ask Marco. Mama talk different to me and tots. She talk different to Dada. "Yeah, you want in playpen?"
   "Hay-zee-elle!" Marco pointed at me. "We play to-get-a."
   "Yeah, you play together. Yes you do! Oh, yes you do!" She smile, put Marco in playpen with me.
   "What you want to play?" I ask Marco.
   "Peek-a-boo! Hehe. Fun, fun!"  I shrieky. Marco and I play lot and lot, then momma say that it time to go bye-bye and that the other mommy and daddies her to picky upy the baby angels. She laugh and smile and take money they give to mama.
  "Bye-bye Marco!" I shouty.
  "Hehe bye Hazel!" He smile and wave at me. This how my life go for day and day and day. Yeah, me likey it. Marco me play and have fun. I wanna spend day with him playing. Marco don't come some days. He don't come the days daddy not at work. Mama say it the weekedns. I likey weekdays betta. I like Marco betta.


  1. Interesting choice of perspective in this chapter, LOL.
    Sad to hear that Kayleigh doesn't smile much around Booker, but I can't say I'm surprised. :D

    1. I wanted to publish a chapter, but I wasn't sure how to convey everything without being too serious. Baby talk can be a little annoying to read, so I probably won't do too many chapters like that. :)

      Thanks for commenting! :D
