Sunday, October 13, 2013

3.15: Parker Janes: PI

   I heard dad going into Maverick's room. I heard him gasp. Everything had begun falling apart for Maverick. She was diagnosed with a list of mental disorders longer than the list of things she'd stolen. She was twenty years old; legally an adult. But she couldn't move out. She had stolen a few ridiculous things and was placed under house arrest.

-Eight years ago-

   I opened Maverick's door, nervous. She could happy and angry and insane and the change could take less than a millisecond. Her mood swings where always happening and she never seemed to remember what happened when she was in a violent mood.
  "Maverick, yesterday you stole."
  "I know you did!"
   "Parker. Relax. It's one thing."
   "Exactly. You steal that, then something else, then-"
   "I'm not going to steal more. Besides, it's borrowing..."
   "Without ever giving it back."
   "That's stealing!"
   "I work hard trying to make my way in the world." She defensively said.
   "I'll tell dad."
   "Go ahead."
   "But you'll get in trouble."
   "What the heck are you talking about? We saw the people steal from the newspaper. Neither of us did anything wrong."
    "Look, I'll fine."
    "Are you sure?"
    "Chill out."
    "Quit worrying, okay?"
    "I am."

-Back to the present- 

    "You're stealing, Maverick?"
    "Yeah Dad." I could hear the sarcasm. No doubt she was rolling her eyes.
    "Seriously, what is this? Maverick, you're stealing stuff nobody wants. Ramen noodles?  Those are literally fifty cents. And we don't even have a cat, what are you doing with treats for one?"
    "Dad. This is my stuff! Leave me alone."
    "You're under house arrest. How are you getting out?"
    "Doesn't matter."
    "You could go to jail. It matters."
    "Look, I don't freaking care." She didn't. She would go as far as possible to steal, pushing all boundaries. Jail couldn't stop her. It felt like nothing could. She didn't care for anyone. Her random trinkets stolen from vintage shops and trophies from the community center meant more. She was past caring.
    "Gabrielle!" He shouted.
   "Pe-ohmigawsh.Maverick. This stuff wasn't here yesterday. None of this sugar was! Excuse my language, but this is a hellhole."
    "You think it's sugar? It's mine." I could hear her getting ready to turn on the waterworks.
    "Honey, I love you. Peter and Parker and I all do. We're worried, though."
    "Sweetie, we're sending you to Riverview Psychiatric Hospital."
    "Honey," Peter took a breath. "We received a court notice. If you break the rules you could end up in jail. They won't care that you're bipolar or having panic disorders or schizophrenia or seasonal affective disorder."
    "This is for your own good."
    "I love you." Dad was trying to keep from crying.
    "You think I"m crazy! You all do."
    "No." My father took a breath. "RPH is for your own good."
    "Why don't you go there?"
    "Maverick," My mother was trying to reason with someone deemed mentally unfit by a team of New York's best doctors.
     "NO! I will not go. I will stay with my lovelies. They need me." Her voice was a cackle.
     "Your unfit to make your own choices. We have a list of doctors who agree. I'm sorry, but you have too."
      "Nope." She took off, running out of her bedroom.
      "Maverick. I caught her arm, stopping her.
      "Help me, Parker. The big people think I'm crazy. I just wanna go with the pretty colors and steal my lovelies. They need me. They need a home. The pretty colors guide me."
      "You have to go." I knew if she went, she would probably live their for the majority of her life.
      "But the lights say no. The panda say no."
  "She's from the lights. She's a rainbow."
      "I hate you. You won't help me! The lights are telling me to...if you won't help me, you will hurt me." Her eyes got a sly look in them, as they glazed over. She jumped forwards, her arms digging into me.
      "Maverick!" My parents came running out. My father pulled her away from me. The world started moving slowly. I took a deep breath, moving back. Maverick's eyes where wide, gleaming. She was gone. She wasn't coming back from where ever her mind had dumped her. She was clawing at my dad, scratching him. I could see the scrapes. She was kicking and screaming; she had to follow the lights. She hated the winter and wouldn't go outside. She needed to stay in her room protecting her lovelies from the cold. Ice shot through my veins as she began speaking in a low voice. Mother and father where pulling he rout the door.
     "I love you." My mother said, simply. "But we have to."
     "I know." I nodded. They where moving to Riverview with Maverick. She needed as much support as she could get, according to the doctors. Maybe if my parents visited, it would help her transition."You should. She needs it."  MY sister was ill; my parents where doing what was right.
    "I love you." I could hear my dad try and say. "Parker I-OW FUUU-"
    "We have to go. The hospital to calm her down, then Riverview." She kissed my cheek and hugged me. Tears welled up in both our eyes. I was hugging them goodbye. I might be able to see them again, but I doubted it. It was painful seeing .Ma-my sister like this...I had to stay here. The door closed shut and my past walked away. I was an adult. I was on my own.
    I paced to my room, taking my time. I needed to throw out everything she stole. Give it to the police. I opened my door, stepping inside my room. The room I grew up in. I sat down at my desk, breathing in the pine wood. I logged onto the computer, opening my email. It was official. One hundred business cards printed up. Parker Janes: Private Investigator. This was my life now. Helping solve crimes. Stopping the bad in the world.


  1. Dang. Maverick went off the deep end quick, didn't she? Parker's hot. LOL.

    1. Maverick did. She literally went crazy and ended up taking control of things by impulse stealing. Parker is adorable, lol. ;)
