Sunday, December 8, 2013

5.5: First

   "Do we have to go to your sister's?"
    "We've been dating for a year and my parents are dead. It's the next best thing. So yes."
   "I've been to your house like twice. You've been to mine like way more. Why can we just go to your house? I mean, it's just as strange minus the strange people who think I'm, you know, you."
   "Please? Pretty please?"
   "I owe me, though." I sighed. Her sister Jazlyn's home. Married with two kids. This wasn't giving Alani any ideas, was it? Was I suppose to pop down on one knee and pull out a ring box?
   "I owe you. And I know how I'm paying you back."
   "Really? Is it a surprise?"
   "You know it."
   "What is it?"
   "I was going to wait, but..."
  "You-you kissed me?! We work together. You were all nothing physical."
  "I quit."
  "You what? Why?"
  "Well, I've decided I want to be a fisherman. Woman. Whatever."
  "And so now...?"
  "You're currently dating an unemployed girl. And we have nothing holding us back from going crazy."
  "Except for the fact that we have to go to your sister's house, so we can't go crazy tonight."
  "Take it or leave it."
  "I'll take it." I paused. Alani quit so we could be together. She was amazing. As we started making out, something dawned on me. I'm in love with Alani Shepherd. It wasn't because the door was suddenly open, I had said 'I love you' many times before. Now I just really meant it. She was so dedicated to hr beliefs, she quit her job so she could kiss me. It wasn't Hallmark movie material, but it was incredibly romantic to me.

   At her sister's home, it was awkward. Mostly because Alani was the hot sister. And that made me want to rush home have us do things together. While I tried to keep from thinking of all the things we could try, I was introduced to the family. Someone, person, dad, Jazlyn. I didn't remember the names. I probably should, but I was a twenty-seven year old man with a gorgeous girlfriend and a king sized bed at home. I was distracted.
  "This is my nephew."  She bent down to hug him.
  "Hey." I shook his hand.
  "Do you play sports?" The little boy looked up at me, curious.
  "Oh." He was done with me.
  "I do work out a lot." He went off to the kitchen; he didn't care. Kids these days, right?
  "Oh, Trevor!This is Jazlyn, my sister."
  "Trevor, I've heard so much about you!"
  "I've heard so much about you. You're home is great."
  "Oh, thank you. This is small, really."
  "It is?"
  "Compared to the farmhouse we grew up in, oh yes."
   We head to the kitchen and ate dinner. It was a lot of family classics. Meatloaf and homemade mashed potatoes, milk from the dairy farm someone's friend's dad owned. Small talk, chit chat. Boring things, really. I nodded and answered questions about my career and life. I was being grilled. The husband kept winking at me. When he passed by me, he whispered in my ear that if certain things ran in the family she was amazing in the sack, am I right bro? I chuckled and nodded. How was I suppose to know? I was here instead of home.
    We moved to the living room to drink coffee and eat homemade cookies. Everything was homemade. Everything.
    "Look, mom! It's snowing."
    "Wow, it's coming down heavy."
    "We should be heading home." Alani said. "You know March weather."
    "Oh, no! I insist you stay. We have a guestroom."
    "Lovely." She dryly said.
    An hour later, we where getting ready to go to sleep in the guestroom. It was awkward to say the least. We'd never shared a bed before.
    "You wear that to bed?"
    "Well...I was expecting we'd be at your place. I dressed up a little."
    "Thank you."
    "Thank you?" She giggled.
    "We've been so formal and proper. Felt like I should say it."
    "I love you."
    "I love you, too."
    "Is it weird I'm thinking of ripping your clothes off in my sister's house?"
    "Little bit. I've been thinking about doing it the whole time, though." 
    "Why not, now?" She kissed me. We slipped underneath the covers to utter bliss. That was my first kiss with her and the first time we... it was amazing. She was amazing. I didn't regret waiting. Neither of us did.