Thursday, December 12, 2013

5.7: A New Addition

   I sat on the couch, looking at the drawing. There was a large house fire a few nights ago. A little girl was crying that her Pelly was being burned up. I asked her mother what she meant; if Pelly was a dog or animal. Pelly was her pelican she bought at Disney World... I raced into the house, completely reckless, not thinking about how it was burning tot he ground and I had just carried the little girl out of the home.... I went to her room and got her Pelly toy. The drawing was a thank you note; a colorful crayon drawing of Pelly and a large 'Thank you for saving Pelly-  I love her!'. This is why I did what I loved. For this. Not to be paid, not to receive the recognition. For the small thank yous. For making someone's day and seeing them smile a bit brighter. Saving someone's life wasn't anything compared to saving someone's memories. Someone's treasure- no matter how sentimental. That was what the job was about.
   "What's up?" Alani glanced at me.
   "Look what the little girl- the one I told you about- drew."
   "Aww. That's adorable! Trevor."
   "I'm ready."
   "For what?"
   "Remember when you said you wanted kids?"
   "Yeah...Trevor, that was two years ago."
   "It was?" I asked, shocked. It couldn't have been that  long... time passed so quickly.
   "Yeah." She nodded. "I'm thirty-eight."
   "You don't look it." I laughed. "You look just as young as when I met you and twice as beautiful." It sounded cliche, but it was true. She was the most gorgeous woman I knew and the only one who I loved as much as I did; it would be impossible to live without her. it was a fact.
   "You're so sweet."
   "Alani, would you like to have a baby with me?" I asked, smiling slightly.
   "Really? Seriously? Yes. Defiantly. You shouldn't have to ask that question.."
   "Now. Why wait? The clock is ticking." She smiled seductively at me. She leaned forwards whispering in my ear, "Let's make a baby." That's all I needed to hear. I was ready to start a family with the woman I loved. It had taken a while, but I was finally ready.

Nine months later...Alani's POV...

   "Hi, Logan." I cooed. I had the odd maternal sense to buy a shrew, ever since Trevor I agreed to try, and were successful, at starting a baby. Technically, I want a puppy, but Trevor insisted we start small.
    I turned to glance at the room. We had kept the gender of the baby a surprise and it was killing me. I has enough surprises with the constant vomiting and weird thingies. Trust me, if you want the glow,  shell out the cash to go to a damn tanning salon. Don't a cheap sake. I wanted a family- but the pain. I loved the baby, but gawd. It hurt. A lot. I waddled down the steps, to the first floor. The third floor attic was a great renovation on our part- not installing an elevator? That was plum foolish.
   "HI honey." Trevor greeted me. "Do you need to rest? Or-"
   "I want this baby out. You here? Out."
   "You look beautiful."
   "Shut up. I'm fat and haven't shaved my legs since... this baby came into me. I want it out."
   "Don't think you get a choice."
   "I want this baby now."
   "I love you so much." He leaned forward, kissing the top of my head."Alani? Alani, are you okay?" He paused for a minute. "Look, I'm sorry. Just say something."
    "I'm having a baby."
    "Yes, I know. I was there when it was conceived. I helped."
    "" I gripped my stomach. "Trevor."
    "Are you-" He stopped mid sentence. It came to him.
    "My water just broke."
    "We have to get you to the hospital."
    "Contractions...not far enough apart."
    "Let's just. I don't know." He began pacing the room. "Come on. Get in the car."
    "They won't admit me."
    "Honey, I was born at home. This isn't happening to our baby."'
    "Help me." He quickly rushed over to me, as I began panting. I leaned against him, needing the support. We arrived at the hospital a few minutes later. Want to know something? Turns out I was much further along than I expected. Turns out I was two centimeters away from having a baby.
     "PUSH, PUSH, PUSH!" The nurse screamed at me.
     "I"M PUSHING!"
     "Harder. The heads out, we need to get the shoulders out."
     "Just take a breath and breath. One, two-" Trevor began.
     "SHUT UP! I am PUSHING. Are you blind?"
     "I love you." He timidly said.
     "Congratulations! It's a girl."
     "A girl?" I gasped, excitedly. I secretly wanted one.
     "What would you like to name her?" The nurse asked.
     "Kayleigh." Trevor and I said in unison. Kayleigh , Trevor, and I. We were the perfect family. Really, everything was wonderful...until. Until she came. The girl that no longer made us a small family of three. But at that moment, when I was unaware of the mess awaiting, I was the happiest I'd ever been. We took Kayleigh home and everything felt great. For now.


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    1. =) Thanks, if there's any others ya like and would like to suggest, you can.
